Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Like most nights, I am sitting at the computer, watching late night television and wondering "Why do I find this entertaining?" Maybe this is the part of my day where I can forget about life for an hour or more and listen to subpar; wannabe stand-up comedians make bad jokes about politicians and the weather in New York City. Mostly, I just wonder "Who in the hell would really want to have sex with David Letterman?" and "Is Jay Leno's hair really real?" But, since the purpose of this first blog post is for you to learn more about me, whichever of you was assigned to read this (Hello, you!), I will try and make my boring life a little more interesting for you.

Here are some facts for you: I was born in Fort Wayne, and except for a 2 year period (in which I was a Ball State Cardinal), I have lived in Fort Wayne for my entire life. My parents are upper-middle class Republicans (something I have learned to accept, and love them anyway), and I was and am a spoiled brat girl. Now, I live with my fiancĂ©, Gabe, who is definitively opposite of my parents (except for the Republican part, which I’m attempting to squelch (and may have succeeded)). I am getting married in May of this year (an elopement in Savannah, Georgia (which, incidentally, is the most haunted city in the United States—not an exciting prospect for a girl whose biggest fear is ghosts, but I’m trying to expand my comfort zone)). 

Wedding/Reception planning is not really as fun as everyone makes it seem—but I’ll probably get into that later. I’m 22 years old—my birthday is August 2nd. I have three pets: a Boxer named Tatti, a step-cat (Gabe’s cat from a previous relationship) named Simon, and the newest edition to our little family, a kitten named Roxie. Both Roxie and Simon are completely black and utterly awesome. Tatti is a lovable, but fairly unintelligent darling. I’ll probably put pictures up later. I guess I could tell you what classes I’m taking this semester, or some other boring stuff like that, but I think telling you that I’m a Senior Literature major will tell you enough about my class load. No math, no problem. 

I have next to no hobbies, unless you include an occasional obsession with art and crafts. I prefer to spend my free time doing less productive things, like watching television or watching television. Of course, I enjoy reading (certain things). Much of the time, for me to enjoy reading takes more than the New York Times Bestseller. I have difficulty reading a huge majority of books whose authors are still alive. My preference is for British authors in the 18th and 19th century. As a helpful guideline, I have found a list of books that usually meet my standards of “great literature”. While the list (which can be found at http://www.listology.com/list/1001-books-you-must-read-you-die) is obviously not inclusive of every book I’ve read (or will read) that I enjoy, it is a great tool for me to discover texts I will enjoy. 

I enjoy spending time with new and old friends. Currently (since probably an hour or more has passed for me), I am watching (and listening to) Gabe and his friend play Call of Duty. Gabe (being quite a bit older than me) has introduced me to several people I consider good friends that I would not have considered friendship with before. My more intimate friends are a group of five girls who have known each other since elementary school, and my sorority sisters. While I was at BSU, I joined the Phi Mu Fraternity (Phi Mu is an old sorority, and when it was created, the word 'sorority' had not yet been invented. Therefore, it's technically a Fraternity of sisters). While I was apathetic towards sororities when I first started college, my mother and a few friends encouraged me to join the Greek community. I have never made a better decision. It has broadened my perspective and increased my social relations and self-esteem.

"I am no bird and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will."
-- Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte