Monday, January 31, 2011

Coffee, Chocolate and Netflix

Can a Sunday be any more perfect than mine was yesterday? Maybe--but mine was pretty awesome. Sure, I did have to work in the morning, but the afternoon and evening were wonderful. I started the day at IHOP with Gabe and had some delicious pancakes. Then, after work, we spent the whole day watching movies on Netflix. Those of you who have Netflix will probably concur, but most of the "Instant" movies are pretty shitty. We did find a few horror movies to watch, though, and it made for a fun afternoon. We found a series called "Masters of Horror". It's a series of one hour episodes directed by various famous horror movie directors. The episodes are certainly creepy, gruesome and full of suspense. I enjoyed every minute.

I used to be intensely afraid of horror movies. I couldn't even watch The Sixth Sense five years ago. Gabe decided to try and cure me of my fear by making me watch tons of horror movies, and I think it worked. Now, I don't get scared at all. Sure, I jump and scream and hide my face all the time, but I don't lay awake at night or have to leave the light on when I go to bed--and that's certainly an improvement. I now really enjoy watching horror movies, which Gabe doesn’t like. You see, he’s not a huge fan of horror movies, but he enjoyed making me watch them because he thought it was funny to scare me. Now that I’m not scared, I want to watch them all the time—and he gets scared much easier than I do. I think it’s payback time!

On another note: we’re supposed to be getting a “huge” winter storm this week. I’m not sure how many inches of snow we are supposed to get, but I’ve heard several predictions ranging from 6 inches to 18 inches. My bet is on the lower end, since Fort Wayne seems to get passed over by storms quite often. I’m hoping we get more, but it doesn’t seem likely. Besides, I would still have to go to work and school, even if I had to dig myself out of my house—so the less snow, the better.

This Saturday, I’m going to Snicker’s Comedy Club. I’ve never been, so I’m really looking forward to it. It is Gabe’s sister’s birthday. My mom says it’s pretty cool, but that everything (including water) is expensive—which doesn’t sound “pretty cool” at all. If anyone has been to the club, let me know how your experience was. I hear that they usually get pretty good comedians, so hopefully that will happen with us. I’m pretty hard to please (stand-up comedian-wise), so we’ll see. Some comedians think that VOLUME=FUNNY, but, really, it just makes me cringe. You don’t have to be loud to be funny—you just have to be witty. I prefer comedians who can improvise and interact with the audience as well. If you go on stage and act like you’re just spitting out what you had written down and memorized, I don’t want to listen to you.

I will be married in 108 days! It seems so far away, but really, it’s only 4 months. Four months! I can’t believe it. Pretty soon I’m going to be Mrs. Gabriel Parrish. I wonder if I’ll feel any different. Probably not. It’s probably similar to when someone asks you if you feel any older on your birthday. The answer is always no. I guess we’ll see.

Love one another and you will be happy.  It's as simple and as difficult as that.  ~Michael Leunig


  1. you should get Precious from Netflix for Roland, he and I talked about it and i know he wanted to see it! I hope you are safe and warm!

  2. I dig sundays as well. When its not football, its usually relaxing with a tv remote in hand. If you havnt seen Let Me In yet i highly advise you partake in watching.
