Monday, February 21, 2011

New Chapter

So, sorry followers, I know I haven't posted in a long while. Honestly, I do have loads of excuses for it, but you don't really want to hear those. Suffice it to say that I am starting a new chapter in my life, and I will try to keep this blog every week from now on.

One of the things I've done to start this new chapter in my life is quit smoking. I've been smoking for about 3 years now, since my freshman year in college. It all started with my high school ex and neighbor, who introduced me to smoking.  We would take walks in our neighborhood, sharing a cigarette and trying not to talk about the failure our relationship had been. Then, I got a full-time job and was only allowed breaks if I smoked, so I started to smoke more so that I could get more breaks. It's a vicious cycle, and soon, I was hooked. While I've never smoked more than an average of about 7-9 cigarettes a day, I have been known to smoke much more while drinking. Long story short, it has been 7 days since I stopped smoking. It's been hard, but not too bad. I've had so much support from friends and family, though.

I have also recently learned how to play pool. It's a lot harder than it looks--especially when the person you play against is really good at geometry (and you're an English major). I haven't one a single time, in the dozens of games I've played, but I am getting better. Instead of leaving 6 balls on the table as an average, I'm now leaving 5. (That means I get two in!). Practice makes perfect, though.

I have moved back in with my parents (a week ago), so my parents had to turn the den back into my bedroom. I have realized that I didn't really miss living at home--except that it's cheaper. My room is pretty cramped, with a small twin bed and a huge dresser. I spend a lot of time in here though, because I prefer to be in here than to be surrounded by family 24/7. I'm sure you all remember how that was--or still know how it is.

Well, I'll update more later when I have more to talk about. See you soon!

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